Thursday, March 19, 2009

Working on my fitness!

Well.. well.. I know this is more that 2 weeks due memberz!!! but you must understand that i just got better after being under the weather!!! I have been mind boggling and have been lately under so much frustration for the fact that i couldnt do my regular excercises as i was not pink in health.

So i was wondering how many indian gals out there wld be having the same thoughts as me? Or even to the fact that they will be this sick worried just like me? I was all so paranoid that i couldnt do my 2.4km run for days .. my crunches.. my dumbells have been missing the touch of me for long….

Not many indian women out there are this concern about their body weight. Its really very shameful to know that they hardly hit the gym or even get ur flabby tummy into place. I mean some getaway with the fact that they are small build and therefore it will never impinge on them. But trust me…. from looking at those women’s arms i can see where all that curry, sweets, and yada yada is stored.. Right on ur flabby arms and tummy baby!!!

Even to the fact those whobbly legs … Its so aweful when gals with dimply thighs wear shorts or sumtin skimpy!!!i mean from the back frame it looks so horrifyin! If you think u fit the bill… please do it only when u have shred those fats of urs and get trim!!!

I really feel that going for a good run, hitting 100 crunches a day, carrying weights for ur byceps, triceps, will keep u trim and fit! Its all not about dieting.. There is variations of dieting…. Its good totake all your 3 meals… but remember to take it moderately.. and try to illuminate anythinf that has high in carbo!! well being indians what much can i say about the food list.. Rice is their main dish!! gosh! how the hell can anyone eat rice? I hate rice!!!!

I have the passion for cooking and its in my blood stream.. but that doesnt give me that excuse to gobble down everytin n anithin that i cook.. I think having cereal will be a good start for the day … But when i say cereal….it has to be in high in protein and i am not talking abt having coco crunch or coco pops with high bonbon levelz… Try to take something that has more wheats with tropial fruits in it.. Drinking milk is one of the best way to keep that hunger away from u. But of coz somthing with a trim milk!!!

On the general.. Food is somthing we all love eating.. But there are certain things that we can omit and be in the best of health!!! Try to have some activities that involves some cardio! Being couples doenst only mean that u need to go to the park, movies, or somewhere to pamper ur tummies.. Y not hit the gym with ur love ones? Have a marathon with ur darlink? Workout in the same room?Gosh i feel good when we see stream of perspiration formed!!! If i can see the results.. y cant u? I am passionate about my health and fitness!!!


spiczy said...

Sorry if i have offended anyone. Its just how i feel as a fellow male hearing their crap coming all time. If you are male reading this blog ask yourself how many time do you get a overweight female friend bitching about her life to you. Lucky i don't, i guess i don't have any over sized buddies.

When i placed this blog title as my facebook shoutout, i had comments rushing in. The ones who commented were the average build ladies then the oversized ones.

I am not discriminating people who were overweight, i was in their shoes. You know as a human you got face the mirror everyday when you head to work or out to party. Mirror is a tool for your eyes to sent critique to your brain cells. When you tend to look good, you tend to portray a positive character as you step out of your house or withing your family members. When you have over sized love handle sticking around your waist your brain cells sends a feedback to your body to feel lazy and demoralized.

That's the reason i tell ladies who are overweight not to point finger at their family or their surrounding. They should blame themselves, they should feel guilty for not managing their own life and time to make themselves look good.

They should not look down themselves but give themselves a chance to change. You cant wait for prince charming to change your life. Maybe he would by giving you crap while he enjoys himself with some Filipino chicks at orchard towers or some bar.

Belief in yourself, its your life and you the author. Don't blame life, it has given you everything make use of them. Like this blog, hope it motivates all the fat bitches who bitch about their life and throw negative feelings on others to spoil the day out of them.

For guys there is one thing i would say. I have much confident all those fat bastards out there. I approach life so positive everything in my life is becoming real. I could handle problems better then i use too. Try to look good and see..

This is a blog written by my memberz.. i love it man!!!

Sugmad Eshwar said...

thanks mate